Red lightning appears in the glory mobile phone?

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Red lightning appears in the glory mobile phone?
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Huawei always displays red lightning
Answer: 1. Try another charger or data cable. 2. Clean the charging port. 2. Power on to enter recover mode, then select advanced mode, and then select wipe Battery to clear the battery trace. 3. Restore the factory settings to see if it is caused by the system. 4. If the battery is damaged, it can only be sent for inspection and repair to replace the battery. Huawei Rong
2018-04-29 Respondent: Know 2 answers from netizens
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The red lightning symbol on the mobile phone screen indicates that the mobile phone is in the low power state mode and needs to be charged urgently. During the charging process, the charging state can be judged according to the breathing light of the mobile phone, and the green light indicates that the charging is about to be completed. If the phone still cannot be started after charging, it is recommended to check the status of the breathing light when charging. If the phone still cannot be started normally when the battery is sufficient, it is recommended to go to after-sales service to check the phone motherboard.
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How to enter Fastboot mode: When the phone is turned off, connect the computer through the USB cable, and long press the volume down key+power key to enter the Fastboot mode. Press and hold the power key to restart the phone to exit this mode.
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There may be a problem with the phone software. You can reset the phone as follows: (1) Press and hold the volume up key and power key. At the same time, long press the volume up key and the power key on the phone. When the phone displays, we release the power key. (2) Enter the factory reset page.

After entering the emui management interface, click the option to restore factory settings. (3) Perform factory reset. Abstract
What should we do if Huawei's mobile phone cannot be powered on by red lightning? [Question]
There may be a problem with the phone software. You can reset the phone as follows: (1) Press and hold the volume up key and power key. At the same time, long press the volume up key and the power key on the phone. When the phone displays, we release the power key. (2) Enter the factory reset page.

After entering the emui management interface, click the option to restore factory settings. (3) Perform factory reset. Answer
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Very simple, the original charger is fast charging, and your charging bank does not support fast charging. Now when you buy a power bank, you always need to buy a power bank that supports two-way fast charging.
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This system is stuck. Go directly to the mobile phone market and redo the system.
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When using the original charger, the mobile phone enters the fast charging mode, so there are three lightning signs displayed. When you use the power bank to charge, it is just an ordinary charge, so there is only one lightning sign
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > Red lightning appears in the glory mobile phone?


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