How to Play Audio Automatically in Apple Phone Image Library Video

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How to Play Audio Automatically in Apple Phone Image Library Video
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The new system can control the video auto play of the album.
The specific methods are as follows:
Settings - Photos - Automatically play videos and live photos.
It is on by default, so when you open the video in the album, the video will start playing automatically.
To close this button and open the video in the album, you need to manually control the video playback.
The audio switch is the audio switch below the video.
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Elykjo is right
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Two reasons
First of all, whether you have installed pirated Windows 7 or Windows 10 is normal. Microsoft just doesn't let you use it easily. Who made you not activate pirated software.
Next, unplug the signal cable of the graphics card and plug it in again.
Finally, your screen kneels~~~The solution is to change
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This is a problem with your screen. It may be that the screen power supply is in poor contact. Try to replace a power cord. If it doesn't work, it may be that the screen motherboard has a problem and needs to be repaired
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The video format is not supported. Put the video on the computer and use special software to convert it to the format supported by the mobile phone before playing it.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > How to Play Audio Automatically in Apple Phone Image Library Video


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