Samsung s20 fingerprint sensor is broken

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Samsung s20 fingerprint sensor is broken
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Samsung s20 fingerprint sensor is broken [picture] View All

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It is necessary to check where the fingerprint sensor is. If it is a fingerprint under the screen, it is basically impossible. It is troublesome to replace it. If it is the back or front, about one hundred yuan can be considered.
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Can be replaced. Take it to the after-sales department for evaluation. Then I'll change it for you
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It is estimated that the warranty and replacement of the machine will not work
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It's impossible to repair or replace for free
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The official price of the sensor is quite expensive, about 3000 yuan
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Lenovo has a good reputation. Go to after-sales service instead of guessing.
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It is estimated that the hard disk is damaged due to a virus. It is OK to go to Lenovo after-sales service to get it off. Lenovo after-sales service is still very good.
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Replace the fingerprint head. The cost is too high. You can consider replacing it
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > Samsung s20 fingerprint sensor is broken


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