Can Huawei's after-sales service guarantee and maintain the glorious machine

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Can Huawei's after-sales service guarantee and maintain the glorious machine
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Glory mobile phones also belong to Huawei. If Glory mobile phones fail, they also need to go to Huawei after-sales service for repair. The nearest Huawei after-sales service can click "Mobile phone service (member service) service outlets" for query.
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After sales maintenance, I suggest you go and have a look. The parts have water ingress, and the resistance capacitance diode triode is unstable. It is estimated that the mobile phone will become slower and slower
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Paid maintenance is OK.
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Hello, if you are repairing the mobile phone screen in a flash repair, there will be a half year report period!
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No, it is not within the scope of warranty, which is man-made damage.
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Any Huawei mobile phone can be tested and repaired at the after-sales point with relevant certificates. Warranty policy: 1 Within seven days from the date of purchase of Huawei CDMA mobile phone host, if the mobile phone host at the after-sales point has performance failure, consumers can choose to return, exchange or provide warranty services. From the 8th day to the 15th day from the date of sale, if the mobile phone host at the after-sales point has a performance failure, consumers can choose to exchange or provide warranty services. 2 Within one year from the date of purchase of Huawei CDMA mobile phone host, if the host has a performance failure that is not caused by human error, consumers have the right to enjoy free warranty service. 3. The mobile phone will not be guaranteed if it is immersed, broken, disassembled or repaired without permission. 4 After the warranty period (including the additional warranty period), the mobile phone will not be guaranteed. 5 If the SN/ESN/MEID back sticker is torn off or blurred, the phone will not be guaranteed.
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ZOL Q&A > Chassis > Other classifications > Can Huawei's after-sales service guarantee and maintain the glorious machine

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