What does P50 power generation mean

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What does P50 power generation mean
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P50 power generation means 50% wind power generation.
Since the power generation is directly related to the investment income of wind power plants, the evaluation of power generation is the focus of due diligence. The assessment of wind resources is the most basic, which is equal to the macro assessment of wind power plants. Through the assessment of wind resources, we will get a calculation of theoretical power generation, and what is the probability of reaching a certain power generation. This is what we usually call P50 and P75. The probability of reaching this generating capacity is 50% or 75%. This gives us an evaluation standard of power generation when we invest.
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Hello, there are some design examples in Qiuqiu Space that you don't mind going in to have a look
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--The solar power generation system should not use amorphous silicon, because the conversion efficiency is too low--
It's not inefficient, that's all
The board has its own power generation parameters, such as 100w. If you load 50kw, you can buy 500 boards, which does not count as energy storage
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I'm having a similar problem, man
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