Please tell me why this function has not been deleted recently in my Huawei mobile phone photo album

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Please tell me why this function has not been deleted recently in my Huawei mobile phone photo album
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Since this function is not enabled, the operation method is as follows:
1. First, open the mobile desktop, find and click Settings, as shown in the following figure.

2. Then, in the opened setting page, pull down the phone page, find and click [Photo Album], as shown in the following figure.

3. Then in the opened album page, pull down the phone page to find [Recently deleted], and open the button after the recent deletion, as shown in the following figure.

4. At this time, try to delete a photo in the album, and click [Recently deleted] in the phone album.

5. Finally, the newly deleted photos are viewed and it is shown that the retention days are 30 days, and they will be automatically deleted permanently after 30 days. Photos can be manually restored or permanently deleted within 30 days.
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If the photo album has not been deleted recently, it is recommended to upgrade the mobile phone version to the latest version, search for "File Management" in the Huawei application market, update it to the latest version, and then restart the mobile phone. The "recently deleted" album cover does not display the actual photo preview, which is displayed as the default logo.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > Please tell me why this function has not been deleted recently in my Huawei mobile phone photo album


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