What does it mean to have a call sign and an x on the right of the top of Xiaomi's mobile phone?

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What does it mean to have a call sign and an x on the right of the top of Xiaomi's mobile phone?
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If you have a 4G network in your area, but you have not activated the VoLTE function (or there is no VoLTE network coverage in your area), the phone will see the signal of the SIM card, but the notification bar will display the icon prompt that you cannot talk. At this time, the phone will be able to access the Internet normally, but you cannot answer calls, send and receive messages, and find the activation of the phone's SIM card will also fail.
If you use a telecom mobile phone card, it is recommended that you give priority to changing the mobile phone card back to the mobile phone that previously supported telecom 2G/3G, manually send the SMS "KTVOLTE" to 10001 to manually activate VoLTE, and then insert the mobile phone card into the 5G mobile phone after the activation;
If Xiaomi's 5G mobile phone wants to insert a mobile phone card to automatically submit information and activate VoLTE, the phone needs to be connected to the network. Please try to insert a SIM card in the network environment (4G network or WiFi), and then wait for a period of time (about 15 minutes);

If you can't answer or make calls or send SMS after inserting your mobile phone card and waiting for a period of time, you can turn on and off airplane mode to try to connect to the VoLTE network (VoLTE network coverage is required in your region);
If you confirm that VoLTE is enabled, but you still encounter a call cannot be answered or made in some places, and there is a phone and an X icon in the notice bar, and the top status bar displays a 4G signal, which indicates that you are currently using a 4G network, but do not have VoLTE functions. It is recommended that you contact the operator to confirm whether the VoLTE network is enabled in your region, and inquire about the specific coverage of the VoLTE network.
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This means that the mobile phone card used in your mobile phone cannot use the volte high-definition call function. (Most of them are telecom cards)
Solution: Dial * # * # 86583 # * # * in the dialing keyboard, and the prompt of "volte option" will pop up. Then you go to: Settings - Dual card and mobile network - click the mobile phone card, and you will find a "Enable volte high-definition call" appears in the option. The telecom is not open, just close it, and the phone fork in your notice bar will disappear
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Because the mobile phone has volte enabled, but the mobile phone card has not opened the service or the local network does not support it, it will be displayed as follows: turn off volte to solve the problem; The specific operation method is:

1. First, click Settings in your phone.

2. Then select Dual Card and Mobile Network.

3. Then we select the phone card where the phone and cross icon appear. This is the telecom card. Generally speaking, this is also the card.

4. Then turn off the option to enable VoLTE HD calling.
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It should be an unanswered phone icon.
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Hello, this is because the phone settings have enabled volte, but the sim card has not opened volte service or the local network does not support volte. You need to go to the business hall of the sim card to inquire whether the local area supports the volte network and opens the volte service.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > What does it mean to have a call sign and an x on the right of the top of Xiaomi's mobile phone?


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