Xiaomi 8 keeps restarting automatically

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Xiaomi 8 keeps restarting automatically
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Solution to unlimited restart of Xiaomi 8
1. In the power off state, use the combination key volume up key and power key, press and hold for about 3 seconds, the image will show a beige logo, and then the restart option will appear.
2. Use the volume down key and the power key of the combination key, press and hold for about 5 seconds, after the fast boot white rabbit appears on the screen, press and hold the power key to restart
3. Finally, none of the above methods can be used. You can go to the mobile phone repair shop and try to clean the phone to see if it can be started normally.
4. If the above mobile phone can not be started normally after being cleaned, the problem may be that there is a hardware fault in the main board circuit.
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Method 1: Reinstall the phone case
When the Xiaomi mobile phone has the problem of constantly restarting, we can check whether the phone case is installed correctly. Sometimes the phone case is pressed to the power on key due to the wrong installation of the phone case, which will cause the phone to keep restarting. At this time, we just need to reinstall the phone case to successfully solve this problem.
Method 2: Cool the phone
If the mobile phone is constantly used to watch TV or play games, it may be that the temperature of the mobile phone is too high, which leads to the automatic battery protection function of the mobile phone. This will cause the mobile phone to enter the state of restart, so we can first leave the mobile phone for a period of time and wait for the temperature to cool down before starting, This problem can be easily solved.
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Is it an unlimited restart? If the mobile phone needs to be reset cyclically, do you want to enable cloud service backup? During the cycle restart, press and hold the volume up+power button to try to enter the Recovery mode. If you can successfully enter the Recovery mode, select "Clear Data" up and down through the volume button, press the power button to confirm, and then select "Clear All Data", Press the power key again to confirm that the data clearing operation is successful, and the phone will be restored to the factory status. If you have logged in to the Xiaomi account before, you will need to log in to the previous Xiaomi account again to verify your identity when you first turn on the phone. If you cannot access Recovery, or the data clearing operation after entering Recovery is unsuccessful, or the data clearing operation is still invalid, It is recommended that you go to the after-sales inspection.
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