Foxit Reader PDF has always opened multiple windows. Can they be merged together to open only one window, and the document is displayed as a tab?

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Foxit Reader PDF has always opened multiple windows. Can they be merged together to open only one window, and the document is displayed as a tab?
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Foxit PDF reader opens multiple documents in the same perforation and displays them as tabs. The steps are as follows:
Press keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K
Click the document in the pop-up preferences, and then the first item in the settings will open: Allow multiple instances to be checked and removed, as shown below:
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Tools - Preferences - Documents - Tick "Allow Multiple Instances" to open in separate windows.
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Please use Adobe Reader XI reader instead to read PDF documents.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > Foxit Reader PDF has always opened multiple windows. Can they be merged together to open only one window, and the document is displayed as a tab?


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