My website is a wordpress program. How can I find the source code

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My website is a wordpress program. How can I find the source code
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For example, if your WordPress theme is XXX, find your theme XXX in the/wp content/themes/folder, and then find the file you need to modify in the XXX folder.
You mentioned that you want to place advertisements. Generally, most of the theme background supports adding advertisements. If there are advertisements, it is much more convenient to fill them in directly.
Of course, there are also those you want to add or specify the location. This change is usually made on index.php (home page), archive.php/categoriry.php (archive/category page), sidebar.php (sidebar), header.php (top), and single.php (content page), which are also common files for setting advertising spaces.
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Add advertising code to your footer.php, or use your gadget to do it, or directly use the wordpress plug-in to do it.
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Modify in Joomla's template
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Find an FTP software to download
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There are many kinds of codes for music playing, not a single code,

Just cut off the music path
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You should not have set keywords and descriptions. You need to add settings in the header template. After setting, open the browser and view the source code to see your keywords and descriptions. There are many WordPress tutorials on the "Old Lv Ai Sharing" website. You can go and have a look. It's very helpful.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > My website is a wordpress program. How can I find the source code


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