How can I set FOXMAIL to only receive new emails?

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How can I set FOXMAIL to only receive new emails?
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Select (receive) all messages in remote management, select old messages to delete, and then select Never Receive.
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Click the menu at the top right, Tools, and click Remote Management. After the synchronization is completed, select the corresponding mail and choose not to process or never collect it.
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Is there no setting in mailbox 163? Gmail has this setting.
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Select the mailbox account to be operated, and then click the "Remote Management" button on the toolbar. The program should start to connect to the mail server at this time. If the connection window does not appear, click "All Mail" in the "Remote Management" window, and then wait for the mail list to be listed, select the mail to be downloaded, and then click "File" - "Invert Selection", Then click "Don't charge" on the toolbar, and then click "Execute".
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Install foxmail on your home computer and use the same account as your company. As long as your computer is connected to the Internet, it will automatically receive
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Right click the account -->Server -->check "Collection every few minutes" and set the time by yourself
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > How can I set FOXMAIL to only receive new emails?


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