What format can PSP use?? Use format factory. Which format is converted to with format factory?!

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What format can PSP use?? Use format factory. Which format is converted to with format factory?!
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The 123rd floor has made it clear that mp4 is OK, but there is also a coding format. Check whether your conversion format is converted to pmp format, which is a special format for PSP. Give me points.
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Format factory 2.45 is acceptable, but 2.50 and above are unacceptable. Remember to put it in the Vidoe folder of PSP after transferring!
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That's it
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Open the format factory, and the one on the left will go to the mobile device - select the MPEG4 file of the PSP, and then a box will appear~just drag in the thing you want to transfer
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Both storm video and QQ video can be used, if your requirements are not very high
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The new version of format factory to psp is incompatible
It is recommended to use the civet nest converter to have a dedicated psp option, but it is true that the converted mp4 is very large. It is better to use an Android phone with a better configuration to see the rm format without conversion
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Go straight up and down the potatoes, and turn what you want
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You can go directly to the video game bus movie resources area to download
If the format is selected, simply select MP4
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > What format can PSP use?? Use format factory. Which format is converted to with format factory?!


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