How Youdao Dictionary Realizes Word Drawing on iPad

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How Youdao Dictionary Realizes Word Drawing on iPad
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Hello, it can be done on the computer, but it can't be done on the iPad, because there is no such function.
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1. Step 1: In the lower right corner of the home page, you can see [Word Picking]/[Word Delineation], as shown in the figure below, and go to the following steps.

2. Step 2: After the above operations are completed, open the above two functions, open any page containing English at will, move the mouse over any word, and the software will automatically detect and capture English words and turn them over, as shown in the following figure, go to the following steps.

3. Step 3: After the above operations, if you are not accustomed to automatically translating any word in the software, you can reset the relevant settings of [Screen Word] according to your preferences in the specific settings of the software, as shown in the following figure, and go to the following steps.

4. Step 4: After the above operations, click the [Grab/Capitalize] option bar on the setting page, and you can see that the relevant configurations are very rich. The specific settings can be adjusted according to personal needs, as shown in the following figure. In this way, the problem is solved.
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In Ibooks, long press a word, and there will be a "dictionary" option. In other places (such as in the web page), long press a word and select "Copy" (that is, copy) from the shortcut menu that appears to copy it to the clipboard, and then enter Youdao Dictionary. You will find that the word has already appeared in the query box and has been translated. Of course, generally speaking, it is not convenient for computers.
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The iPad version does not have this function
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > How Youdao Dictionary Realizes Word Drawing on iPad


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