Can system poisoning be solved without reinstalling the system

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Can system poisoning be solved without reinstalling the system
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If it is infected with some small viruses, it can be solved by using anti-virus software or special killing! If you are poisoned by some NB, 1 can't help but redo the system! If you are infected with worms, it will be more troublesome. If you reinstall it, it will completely solve the problem! Because other disks have infected files!
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Try to repair the software
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When reinstalling, all disks must be formatted to completely solve the problem
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The above one is also formatted, so dizzy!...

You can do everything by reinstalling the system. Don't forget to install anti-virus software and firewall after reinstalling the system,
Avoid such things!
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First, CTRL+ALT+DEL calls out the task manager, ends the abnormal process, and then runs regedit to open the registry editor. Then, under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer Advanced Folder Hidden SHOWALL, delete the CheckedValue, and right-click to create a new Dword value (D) The name is CheckedValue, and the numeric data is filled in with 1 in hexadecimal so that it can be displayed. If it is not possible, it can be confirmed in the security mode according to this method
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Re partition, format and install the system in DOS
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Which machine has no virus, as long as it does not affect your work, I advise you to reinstall the system. The hard disk is fully formatted. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is better to make a restore point. (ghost) It is very convenient in the future/I hope that the system will not be installed in the future, which is too troublesome. I also hurt the optical drive~~Wish you success~~~
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ZOL Q&A > Can system poisoning be solved without reinstalling the system


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