Is the virtual storage space of WIN7 allocated automatically or set manually?

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Is the virtual storage space of WIN7 allocated automatically or set manually?
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Is the virtual memory of WIN7 allocated automatically or set manually? If it is set manually, I will allocate the 4G memory in the way of 1.5 - 2 times, so it will be allocated to 8G? It seems that the virtual memory can only be set to 4G at most View All

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The automatic way is to automatically adjust the virtual memory according to your real-time needs. The manual minimum recommended 1G of maximum virtual memory depends on how much you use in general memory, and then 1G is enough. In fact, 4G memory can completely turn off virtual memory, which can greatly reduce hard disk reading and writing and increase hard disk life. You can also obtain faster memory reading and writing, and greatly improve the system's new capabilities. Of course, if your computer has a special purpose, and you want to hang 4.5 large games or more than N large software, then disable virtual memory. Use the Task Manager to view the performance. If your computer's memory is not more than 3G, you can disable it
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1. Start the computer and select "Computer" on the desktop

2. Right click and select Attribute

3. Select "Advanced System Settings" in the window

4. Select "Advanced" in the system properties window

5. Then click Settings under Performance

6. Click Advanced

7. Click "Change"

8. If you do not set it, it is recommended that you select "Automatically manage paging size files of all drives"

9. Check Custom Size

10. Then enter the space value

11. Click OK after setting.

12. After setting, you need to restart the computer for the setting to take effect.

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ZOL Q&A > Is the virtual storage space of WIN7 allocated automatically or set manually?


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