My USB flash disk is exFAT format, and my computer is XP. Why can't I use USB flash disk?

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My USB flash disk is exFAT format, and my computer is XP. Why can't I use USB flash disk?
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1: The USB drive is faulty, so the USB flash disk is not recognized after it is inserted. You can check whether it is normal in the device manager
2: The USB flash disk is faulty. The hardware itself or write protection is set
3: Whether to disable the mobile storage device
4: System problems
Good luck
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The format is incorrect. It should be FAT32. Select it from the format menu and check it.
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NTFS format supports single files above 4G, and you don't need to download patches anymore!
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If you don't install a patch for the other party's computer, there is no way.
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Support the first floor The most popular partition format FAT32
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The USB flash disk cannot be opened, or the computer does not display the USB flash disk? Try wiping the USB flash disk to the USB on the back motherboard, because there are too many USB cards in front of the host computer. If it doesn't work, it may be poisoned or broken.....
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If you change to FAT32 format, you can use it. EXFAT is not supported by every device.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > My USB flash disk is exFAT format, and my computer is XP. Why can't I use USB flash disk?

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