The laptop has been used for two years. Recently, I reinstalled the system. The computer is really stuck, intermittent, sometimes not stuck, sometimes very stuck. What's going on

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The laptop has been used for two years. Recently, I reinstalled the system. The computer is really stuck, intermittent, sometimes not stuck, sometimes very stuck. What's going on
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The heat dissipation is not good, and there are too many junk files. 360 and other software can be used to clean up the junk plug-ins, clear the junk files, and the web cache can also be cleaned up. Tools -- Internet options -- delete file cookies and delete files.

2. Antivirus, computer poisoning will also slow down the computer! If not, redo the system.

3. The driver does not match, especially the graphics card driver, which can be downloaded on the official website according to your computer model.

4。 If the CPU temperature is too high, you can reduce the indoor temperature or replace it with a better CPU fan!

I hope my answer can help you

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I guess the system is broken. Replace it
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When the network card is connected to the network, the network speed will be increased. Usually, the work card will delete garbage files, and unnecessary startup items can also be disabled to completely reinstall the system
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > operating system > Win10 security mode > The laptop has been used for two years. Recently, I reinstalled the system. The computer is really stuck, intermittent, sometimes not stuck, sometimes very stuck. What's going on

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