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  • When youth warms up
    LV 8
    Editorial experts
    two hundred and thirty-nine answer  |  two recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 1  Cumulative answer level: Level 2  Cumulative recommended level: level  Cumulative adoption level: level
  • pottop
    LV 26
    one thousand and sixty-one answer  |  fifty-seven recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 3  Cumulative answer level: 5  Cumulative recommended level: Level 1  Cumulative adoption level: Level 1
  • 5lovezol
    LV 39
    one thousand two hundred and five answer  |  two hundred and three recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 4  Cumulative answer level: 5  Cumulative recommended level: Level 3  Cumulative adoption level: Level 2
  • Ah, egg, egg
    LV 28
    seven hundred and two answer  |  fifty-three recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 3  Cumulative answer level: 4  Cumulative recommended level: Level 1  Cumulative adoption level: Level 1
  • D tone silence
    LV 21
    one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three answer  |  thirty-four recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 3  Cumulative answer level: 5  Cumulative recommended level: Level 1  Cumulative adoption level: Level 2
  • ace09
    LV 52
    Distinguished experts
    six thousand five hundred and seventy answer  |  seven hundred and thirteen recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 6  Cumulative answer level: 7  Cumulative recommended level: 5  Cumulative adoption level: 4
  • Here we go Good brother
    LV 8
    Editorial experts
    one thousand nine hundred and fifty-three answer  |  zero recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 1  Cumulative answer level: 5  Cumulative recommended level: level  Cumulative adoption level: level
  • Premise bamboo
    LV 33
    Distinguished experts
    eighty-four thousand five hundred and sixty-four answer  |  two hundred and eighty-eight recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 4  Cumulative answer level: 7  Cumulative recommended level: Level 3  Cumulative adoption level: 6 levels
  • qq_514a481j9576
    LV 46
    Distinguished experts
    fourteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-five answer  |  three hundred and ninety-five recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 5  Cumulative answer level: 7  Cumulative recommended level: 4  Cumulative adoption level: Level 3
  • Peking University Jackie Chan
    LV 37
    one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two answer  |  two hundred and ninety-nine recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 4  Cumulative answer level: 5  Cumulative recommended level: Level 3  Cumulative adoption level: Level 3
  • Mune man
    LV 24
    one thousand five hundred and three answer  |  forty-seven recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 3  Cumulative answer level: 5  Cumulative recommended level: Level 1  Cumulative adoption level: Level 1
  • wolf1001
    LV 44
    three thousand five hundred and ninety-one answer  |  two hundred and ninety-nine recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 5  Cumulative answer level: 7  Cumulative recommended level: Level 3  Cumulative adoption level: Level 3
  • 18044b4f039j1w1
    LV 26
    Distinguished experts
    nine hundred and nine answer  |  sixty-nine recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 3  Cumulative answer level: 4  Cumulative recommended level: Level 2  Cumulative adoption level: Level 1
  • ace369
    LV 57
    Distinguished experts
    six thousand two hundred and sixty-eight answer  |  six hundred and thirty-seven recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 6  Cumulative answer level: 7  Cumulative recommended level: 5  Cumulative adoption level: Level 3
  • Novice 2000
    LV 71
    Distinguished experts
    seventy thousand seven hundred and thirty-six answer  |  two thousand two hundred and fifty-two recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 7  Cumulative answer level: 7  Cumulative recommended level: 7  Cumulative adoption level: 7
  • Planetary planets
    LV 4
    Distinguished experts
    six thousand nine hundred and six answer  |  one recommend
     Growth Task Level: Level 1  Cumulative answer level: 7  Cumulative recommended level: level  Cumulative adoption level: level
  • Persistence of possibility
    Distinguished experts LV 8
    twenty-nine answer  |  five recommend
  • Don't have time to explain Get in the car
    Distinguished experts LV 2
    zero answer  |  zero recommend
  • beefman
    Distinguished experts LV 71
    four thousand one hundred and fifty-four answer  |  one thousand nine hundred and five recommend
  • qusen06
    Distinguished experts LV 37
    two thousand and eight answer  |  two hundred and fifty-six recommend
  • Novice 2000
    Distinguished experts LV 71
    seventy thousand seven hundred and thirty-six answer  |  two thousand two hundred and fifty-two recommend
  • xuyong_zol
    Distinguished experts LV 15
    nineteen answer  |  three recommend
  • aiyaya186
    Distinguished experts LV 39
    thirteen thousand one hundred and seventy-nine answer  |  five hundred and fifty-seven recommend
  • VAJed
    Distinguished experts LV 1
    zero answer  |  zero recommend
  • Oo Head of Urban Management Brigade
    Distinguished experts LV 71
    seven thousand eight hundred and thirteen answer  |  one thousand four hundred and eighty recommend
  • kuerthink
    Distinguished experts LV 17
    one hundred and thirty-five answer  |  thirty-seven recommend
  • Ahaaha
    Distinguished experts LV 11
    four hundred and three answer  |  seventeen recommend
  • gjm1974
    Distinguished experts LV 56
    sixteen thousand two hundred and sixty-three answer  |  five hundred and sixteen recommend
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