X4 955 (black box) Gigabyte GA-970A-D3P Weigang 4G 1600 Game Weilong Seagate 1T64M Onda GTX650Ti Power supply: RPO500

X4 955 (black box) Gigabyte GA-970A-D3P Weigang 4G 1600 Game Weilong Seagate 1T64M Onda GTX650Ti Power supply: RPO500
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The configuration is OK, very good
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I don't understand what this is about. In fact, the configuration of the graphics card can be slightly improved. It's about 200 yuan more.
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This is to ask how the configuration is? I can give you a balanced answer to this configuration, but the current cost performance of the 955 is not high. If you haven't bought it yet, I recommend replacing it with the 965 or the FX-6300. I think these two options are more cost-effective than the 955
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Since the memory capacity of the upper four cores is so uncoordinated, there is no SSD or HHD, and then some brands in front suddenly see the distributors, who are deeply sorry. In general, we can only mourn in silence
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Very powerful configuration shows that you pay attention to the game
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Add about one hundred yuan to the radiator
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Don't know what you want to ask? However, this set of configuration is balanced on the whole, and the power supply is also enough. If you must change something, add the memory to 8G. However, the graphics card is not very good. It is recommended to change to a first-line brand.
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 X4 955 (black box) Gigabyte GA-970A-D3P Weigang 4G 1600 Game Weilong Seagate 1T64M Onda GTX650Ti Power supply: RPO500

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