What is the most suitable system for k570n

What is the most suitable system for k570n
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Installed a win8 game special card

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Do you usually play games? If you play games at ordinary times, it is recommended that you install a WIN7 professional version of WIN7 to play games with good compatibility and stability. If you go online to watch movies, you can choose to install WIN8.1, which means that the boot speed is fast and the system runs and opens windows quickly.
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In terms of configuration, it is good to install Win7.

However, it is recommended to install the 64 bit Win7 Home Edition.

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Take a look at the special effects and resolution of the game. This is the GT740M video card, which is better than the inherited video card. You can't be demanding. This one is for office use.

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I suggest you install win7 32-bit system. Your computer card is not enough memory.

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 What is the most suitable system for k570n

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