How about the price performance of Huawei Glory 3c?

How about the price performance of Huawei Glory 3c?
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1. The appearance design is very durable, the screen is very grand, and I like the style very much.
2. Hardware configuration. Configure the pictures to be uploaded in detail. The disadvantage is that 1GB of memory is slightly smaller, which is usually between 70% and 80%, but the system itself is very smooth.
3. System optimization. A good system should be the operation process. The design is humanized. Glory 3C did not disappoint us. The system has no secondary menu, and the design style is simple. Most permissions have been opened to users. Ordinary users can have many common permissions without root, which is very user-friendly. The system comes with a lot of utilities and runs very smoothly. From purchase to now, there is no crash or black screen.
4. Communication standby. I didn't say when I called. The volume is very loud. Please note that it's not too loud, it's very loud!!! Both phone and SMS are designed with dual cards, which is very convenient and practical for dual card users. The battery is 2300mAh, which can be used for one and a half to two days normally. The charging time is fast and acceptable.
5. Others. About this mobile phone I don't think it's worth buying. Some people may still be waiting for the 2G version to come on the market. I want to say that although 1G memory seems a little small, if you just use it regularly, 1G version is enough!
In a word, you deserve to have a thousand yuan magic chance!
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gjm1974 Distinguished experts

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Glory 3C is for Red rice mobile phone In terms of configuration, it has improved to a certain extent. It is also characterized by high cost performance. Glory 3C has released two versions: 1GB RAM version and 2GB RAM version. The price of 1GB RAM version is 798 yuan, while the price of 2GB RAM version is 998 yuan. Compared with Hongmi, Glory 3C has improved the screen and camera pixels. It uses magnesium aluminum alloy as the body structure, Another feature of Glory 3C is the color. According to the disk drive photos, there will be six colors to choose from. According to Huawei's official statement, the endurance of Glory 3C has also increased by 30%. In terms of performance, the gap between Glory 3C 1GB RAM and Red Rice is not very big, and the price is almost the same. It can be said that the pertinence is really strong. This form is the same as that of Xiaomi, If the purchase restriction method is not adopted, Glory 3C is still worth starting

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