How much is the lowest price for changing the mobile phone screen?

How much is the lowest price for changing the mobile phone screen?
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It depends mobile phone The price.

For 500 mobile phones, the original after-sales service costs 200-300

It costs about 400 for 1000 phones and 500-600 for 2000 phones

The more expensive the mobile phone, the higher the price of changing the screen.

As for the general repair shop, it is about half cheaper than after-sales service, but it is not included when going out.

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Kubi S1 is an introduction mobile phone Screen after-sales is generally about 500 yuan, but at present Suning has a free screen change activity, so you can try it.
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gjm1974 Distinguished experts

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It takes more than 100 points to replace the inside and outside together. Go online to check the screen price, so it is easy to repair mobile phone To negotiate a price. It is recommended to go outside to find a maintenance point to talk about, not after sales.

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Look at that screen. The external screen is+RMB, and the after-sales price is within 100RMB. The interior screen is expensive, hundreds of RMB. After sales is even more expensive. A good machine can cost more than 800 RMB. Ask after sales about the specific price.

It's estimated that the after-sales service of Kubi will cost 300-400 RMB.

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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Kubi mobile phone > Coobie S1 > How much is the lowest price for changing the mobile phone screen?


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