The new D-lux6 won't work at all

The new D-lux6 won't work at all
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The newly bought D-lux6 can't be used at all. The aperture, focal length, and various modes on the turntable are completely covered. Even my friends take pictures with their mobile phones better than I do? Could you please ask for the most basic usage [pictures] View All

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Go to the physical store to find their technicians to teach you. Leica D6 is very easy to use. A fool is a card machine.

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alaxiba3 Editorial experts

Software class

It is suggested that the owner read the camera instruction carefully, which is more helpful for you to understand how to use the camera.
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Hello, the building owner can refer to here

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gjm1974 Distinguished experts

Digital video    Laptop machine

It is recommended to download a manual at the manual home.

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Where can I buy the instruction manual of Lycra d-6

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 The new D-lux6 won't work at all

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