Why does Lenovo Y400 play LOL? What is the problem and how to solve it?

Why does Lenovo Y400 play LOL? What is the problem and how to solve it?
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There may be too many programs running at the same time and insufficient memory. In terms of configuration, Y400N is more than enough to play League of Heroes.
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Did I disable the independent graphics card? Look at the display settings in the control panel. The high performance independent display is used globally. What's more, I don't know how much memory you have. It may also be insufficient! Why does Lenovo Y400 play LOL? What is the problem and how to solve it?
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Don't plug in the power supply? If you want to play games, plug in the power supply. Otherwise, the battery power is not enough, or you will definitely get stuck!!!
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Y400 is still very powerful. Maybe the graphics card driver is not installed properly
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Check the network speed, and then see if the independent video card is working. Check the temperature of the machine. If it is not feasible, try restoring the system version.
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Power supply selection High performance video card selection Unique display
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It is estimated that the energy saving mode...
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Clean up garbage and update drivers
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 Why does Lenovo Y400 play LOL? What is the problem and how to solve it?

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