My mobile phone is Huawei G525. It can't be started after changing the battery

My mobile phone is Huawei G525. It can't be started after changing the battery
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I haven't changed the battery all day? The direct charge still can't be charged. The charging port of the universal charging line has been broken. Last time, it still can't be turned on like this. My friend helped me do it. He said it seemed to activate something! I can't get in touch yet View All

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Hello, I estimated several possibilities 1. Maybe the contact head of your battery is broken, so it can't be started. 2. Maybe your battery doesn't match, so it can't be started. 3. You can try to use the reset key to make your mobile phone For initialization, the reset key is usually on the left and right of the phone, and there is a small hole, but do not touch the microphone hole 4 below the phone. If you can't solve the problem, you may have to repair your mobile phone. I hope you can contact your friends! I hope it can help you


Hello, could you tell me what my friend said??? Power consumption??


Maybe your friend said that the activation is reset. To be exact, I don't know that the phone is still activated. I want to try to press the reset button. If I can't, I will go to repair it!

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The battery is in poor contact. Scrape the metal sheet on the battery with a rubber band or other objects. The power button may fail. Try several times more. The universal charger sometimes damages the metal sheet. In addition, the battery may not match this mobile phone Right.

Wiped or unused. The battery is always in good use. It is necessary to activate the phone with electric shock | |??? Do you know

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Hello, the landlord. This may cause death due to poor contact. The landlord can clean the metal contacts or consider replacing other batteries.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Huawei mobile phone > Huawei G525 > My mobile phone is Huawei G525. I changed the battery and


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 My mobile phone is Huawei G525. It can't be started after changing the battery

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