Wants to buy a camera, hesitates between Canon 600D and Sony nex-5T

Wants to buy a camera, hesitates between Canon 600D and Sony nex-5T
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I had always planned to buy a micro order, compared the micro order of Sony and Canon, and decided to buy Sony. As a result, a friend told me that it was better to buy a micro order than a Canon 600D. Buying a DSLR really exceeded my budget, but the price difference between the two cameras View All

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Hello, landlord!

Of course, for 600D, the micro single without an optical viewfinder consumes a lot of power, which affects the endurance. And this Sony The micro single body does not have a flash. Although there is an external flash in the official standard configuration, it is troublesome to install it separately every time you use it.

It is recommended that men use 600D or girls use NEX5T

600D is recommended to be followed by NEX5T!!

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According to the actual situation of the building owner, the micro single camera is enough. It is recommended that the building owner can choose with confidence Sony NEX-5T, The hardware configuration and image quality performance are also very good, which can meet the shooting needs of the building owner.
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In addition to being a little lighter, the NEX5T is less than 600D in terms of control, viewfinder, battery life, and lens group. It has no internal flash and no standard hot boots, and can only use its own flash. In addition, the standard 16-50 socket head may have a small problem. In Baidu Post Bar, where Sony's micro single users are concentrated, there are several "lens errors" in this socket head every month

If the fund allows me to support your friend's opinion of buying 600D, you said that the difference of 2000 is that 18-135 sets can be bought, and 18-55 sets are about 1000 expensive.

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ZOL Q&A > camera > Canon camera > Canon 600D (single machine) > Want to buy a camera, in Canon 600D and Sony nex

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 Wants to buy a camera, hesitates between Canon 600D and Sony nex-5T

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