What are the main parameters of mobile power? What are the main differences between the Patriot Mobile Power DLC10400 and the Patriot FB12000

What are the main parameters of mobile power? What are the main differences between the Patriot Mobile Power DLC10400 and the Patriot FB12000
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Does the 12000 power reservoir have other characteristics? Why didn't I write the conversion rate? How do I compare it? If there is no reason, you should also fill in "no". If there are other reasons, you can add notes, otherwise it will be nothing!
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There are no other features in the power cabin 12000?
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The selection of power supply mainly depends on the conversion rate, temperature and cell. Cell is very important. The main differences between the two power supplies are as follows:
 What are the main parameters of mobile power? What are the main differences between the Patriot Mobile Power DLC10400 and the Patriot FB12000
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ZOL Q&A > portable source > Patriot Mobile Power > aigo DLC10400 > What are the main parameters of mobile power? patriot...


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 What are the main parameters of mobile power? What are the main differences between the Patriot Mobile Power DLC10400 and the Patriot FB12000

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