Epson 1390 printer does not recognize the ink cartridge 5 times, 6 times

Epson 1390 printer does not recognize the ink cartridge 5 times, 6 times
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The Epson 1390 inkjet printer has been installed continuously without any problem. There has been a time before when the ink cartridge was not recognized, but the original ink cartridge was recognized after it was put in. The problem this time is that I don't recognize the original ones, not all of them View All

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pxieed208f Trainee expert

Maybe this printer stipulates which ink to use!! Let them have a look at the place you bought!!
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Has the problem of the building owner been solved? How to solve it?
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Check whether the fuse resistance is connected, or replace it
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I have the same problem. It is acceptable to install ink cartridges of any five colors, but when the last ink cartridge of any color is installed, all six ink cartridges will be marked with "X". I don't know how to solve it. Even the professionals who repair the printer can't solve it. Thank you for your help!

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ZOL Q&A > Ink jet printer > Epson inkjet printer > Epson 1390 > The Epson 1390 printer does not recognize the ink cartridge

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 Epson 1390 printer does not recognize the ink cartridge 5 times, 6 times

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