Hello, this is HP 1108 laser printer;

Hello, this is HP 1108 laser printer;
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Today, the first time to add toner is Laisheng toner; After adding the toner, the printed words were super light. The person adding the toner said, "Because the original toner cartridge is not easy to use after adding toner, it is normal; it may need to replace the cartridge." I want to ask whether it is because of adding toner View All

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m42wf0f73a Trainee expert

It is really necessary to replace a drum core. The original drum core is blue, and the replaced drum core is generally green. The materials are different, and the toner used is naturally different. HP has always purposely designed its toner cartridge not to let you add toner, but to buy another original toner cartridge when you run out of toner cartridge, so that you can make money. So HP purposely designed its cartridge core and toner cartridge. In fact, the original toner cartridge is still an experience toner cartridge, and the toner in it is still dissatisfied, half of the normal print volume. If you don't want to change the cartridge, it's OK. P1108 uses 388A toner cartridge. This kind of toner cartridge on Taobao costs only 60~80 yuan, and you can throw it away after use, which is more cost-effective than replacing toner. It is also not recommended to adjust the concentration depth, because too high concentration means to increase the power of the laser head. If the drum core is broken, it can be replaced. If the laser component is broken, it needs to replace the printer.
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The original toner cartridge will print very light after adding toner. It is recommended to replace it with a domestic toner cartridge, which will not print light after adding toner.
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