Which sound quality of Huiwei D1010 MKII or Sannuo N25 is good @ cost-effective?

Which sound quality of Huiwei D1010 MKII or Sannuo N25 is good @ cost-effective?
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cd8jeb9929 Trainee expert

The prices of the two models are the same, but the signal-to-noise ratio is different. Sannuo N25 is 70db, and Huiwei D1010 MKii is 84db. I use an innovative external sound card tape. The sound card supports 5.1 channels and 104db signal-to-noise ratio, so it sounds very good. Some people said that there was a current sound in Huiwei's box, but I didn't hear it carefully. But it's true that Huiwei's box will heat up. Don't remember to turn it off or it will affect its life. Also, people who buy CDs are enjoying themselves (there are many CD sources on the Internet). Don't buy such expensive boxes to listen to MP3. Spending dozens of dollars to buy a bunch of small ones is also very effective and does not take up space.
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 Which sound quality of Huiwei D1010 MKII or Sannuo N25 is good @ cost-effective?

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