See you later How can I cancel the key tone of the L510 portable speaker Thank you

See you later How can I cancel the key tone of the L510 portable speaker Thank you
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This key tone is generated by the electronic components inside, and there is no way to cancel it.
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If it is the first time to use it or you are not sure how to operate it, you can contact the customer service who will always be there for consultation. They will provide detailed guidance steps and ensure that your speaker will not make annoying keystrokes. Don't forget to check the instructions
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The key tone may be a small bug. You can press and hold the power button for a few seconds while Bluetooth is connected to see if you can enter the advanced mode. You should find the option to cancel there. Remember to try it after saving the settings
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The method of canceling the key tone of L510 is very simple. Usually there is a sound option in the settings. Find the mute key tone or silent operation, and turn it off. If you can't find it, try restarting the speaker or updating the firmware
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ZOL Q&A > Outdoor portable audio > See you later Outdoor portable audio > See you later. How to cancel the key of L510 portable speaker

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 See you later How can I cancel the key tone of the L510 portable speaker Thank you

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