Which model of the cabinet is recommended for good heat dissipation

Which model of the cabinet is recommended for good heat dissipation
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The chassis cooling can be seen from three aspects: 1. the internal space of the chassis; 2. Cabinet air duct design; 3. Chassis material. Personally, I think the cool chassis is generally good, but the price is slightly higher. The case quality is also very important. Simple judgment methods: 1. The internal structure design of the case; 2. Thickness of steel (aluminum) plate used for chassis; 3. Chassis weight; I personally recommend that if the price is below 200, don't choose Cool Cool. Basically, the cost performance ratio is low. If the price is between 200 and 300, I recommend using the Destroyer 2012 or the Saboteur, about 230 to 260 yuan. The interior space of the chassis is OK, and the air duct is also 4 air ducts. However, if your configuration is high and the heat dissipation is large, I suggest you use the Magic Armor about 450 yuan. This case is a tower type case, with enough internal space and sufficient materials. If it exceeds 500 yuan, it is not recommended to buy Cool Cool, but Yinxin Crow 3. Let me give you a little advice. In fact, no matter what configuration you use, I recommend you to use a mid tower chassis, such as the Magic Armor or the Crow 3. A good chassis plays a great role in the overall heat dissipation inside the chassis. If the air duct is reasonable, it can reduce the overall temperature by 5-8 degrees, and it will cost you more than 200 yuan to buy a good radiator. In addition, the chassis is a long-term accessory. Even if you upgrade the host in the future, you can continue to use the good chassis without replacing it.
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ZOL Q&A > Chassis > Cool Cool Premium Chassis > Which model of the cool cabinet has good heat dissipation


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 Which model of the cabinet is recommended for good heat dissipation

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