How to choose the purchase budget for Xiaomi 12s and Meizu 20: 3200 Use scenarios: mild god, king glory, dithering, station B, QQ, WeChat and other social software Use scenarios: college students, light photos

How to choose the purchase budget for Xiaomi 12s and Meizu 20: 3200 Use scenarios: mild god, king glory, dithering, station B, QQ, WeChat and other social software Use scenarios: college students, light photos
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I recommend you to buy Xiaomi 12S. Meizu 20 has no special features. Xiaomi 12S has Leica video system, and its photography features are much better than Meizu 20. However, Meizu 20 also has advantages. It is equipped with Snapdragon 8 Gen2 processor, which is not expensive.

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I like Meizu 20 white version, but it is not available
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Recommended product: Meizu 20

Buy new instead of old. Meizu 20 is equipped with the second generation Snapdragon 8 processor, which is better than Xiaomi's first generation Snapdragon 8+processor in performance and power consumption.

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Buy new instead of old. It is recommended to buy Meizu 20.

As a work for the 20th anniversary, Meizu 20 was very popular at the beginning, and the pre-sales were also sold out after the release. The three models of the series are all equipped with Snapdragon 8 Gen2+LPDDR5X+UFS 4.0 flash memory. The standard version has a high price performance ratio of 2999 yuan, which is suitable for young people.

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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Meizu mobile phone > Meizu 20 (12GB/128GB) > How do Xiaomi 12s and Meizu 20 choose the purchase budget

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 How to choose the purchase budget for Xiaomi 12s and Meizu 20: 3200 Use scenarios: mild god, king glory, dithering, station B, QQ, WeChat and other social software Use scenarios: college students, light photos

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