How about taking photos with Hongmi's mobile phone?

How about taking photos with Hongmi's mobile phone?
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In terms of photography, red rice mobile phone It is equipped with an 8 million pixel F/2.2 camera, and the photo quality of the Hongmi mobile phone can even match the Xiaomi 2A mobile phone, which sells for 1499 yuan in full sunlight. However, due to optimization or its own limitations, the photo taking effect at night is inferior to that of the Xiaomi 2A in terms of picture brightness, and it is impossible to focus normally in dark light, It is hoped that this problem can be improved with the update of the system.
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Redmi K30 (8GB/256GB/All Netcom/5G Edition) ¥ 1999

Rear camera: 64 megapixel main lens+8 megapixel ultra wide-angle lens+5 megapixel ultra macro lens+2 megapixel depth of field lens

Front camera: 20 megapixel main camera+2 megapixel dummy

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