How about Nokia C20 Plus configuration

How about Nokia C20 Plus configuration
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qq_514a481j9576 Distinguished experts

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Nokia C20 Plus mobile phone Previously, he appeared in Geekbench, a running score software, and announced that Nokia C20 Plus mobile phone is equipped with an 8-core processor, supplemented by 3GB memory, with a single core score of 126 points and a multi-core score of 476 points. It is expected that Nokia C20 Plus will use the same CPU as Nokia C20 mobile phone (specific model is Unisplendor SC9863A). The disclosure also shows that the battery capacity of Nokia C20 Plus mobile phone has been greatly improved compared with the C20 standard version, which has only 3000mAh battery.

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Nokia C20 Plus mobile phone Equipped with 8-core processor, supplemented by 3GB memory

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