What are the recommendations for the 2021 easy-to-use 4GB memory mini computer?

What are the recommendations for the 2021 easy-to-use 4GB memory mini computer?
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Recently, I want to buy a 4GB memory mini computer. Can you recommend some 4GB memory mini computers that are easy to use in 2021.

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The 2021 4GB memory mini computer is easy to use. I recommend the following three models, which I think are quite good. I hope they can help you.

1. Shenzhou Mini PC2 D1

The box is still very good, but you can't reinstall the original Windows system by yourself. After installing the system, it will get stuck on the startup interface, and the mouse and keyboard can't be used. There is no USB driver, and there is no PS2 interface, so you can't connect the PS2 keyboard and mouse... Therefore, you can only use the system that comes with the factory in the future. If you want to reinstall it, you can only take it to the after-sales service

 What are the recommendations for the 2021 easy-to-use 4GB memory mini computer?

2. Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q

I'm using this model. Very good performance

 What are the recommendations for the 2021 easy-to-use 4GB memory mini computer?

3. HP ProDesk 400 G2 DM

 What are the recommendations for the 2021 easy-to-use 4GB memory mini computer?

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Recommended by mini desktop computer merchants It is convenient and reassuring to find something better for you

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 What are the recommendations for the 2021 easy-to-use 4GB memory mini computer?

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