What kind of focusing head is better for Canon 6d2?

What kind of focusing head is better for Canon 6d2?
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Don't mention the budget and ask about the camera. It's just a scamp. If you want to recommend it, you can just use the camera with L in the back! Of course, considering that the person who asked this question should be Xiaobai who didn't run, I recommend 35L and 50L. I will definitely regret buying the others for 2 years... I prefer 50L

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There are many fixed focus restrictions. It basically depends on the need to buy a lens. If you have enough money, you can buy Big Four, 35, 50, 85, 135. If you only choose one, I recommend 35, 85 next, and 50135. All according to personal preference, no standard

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Original factory, 35/2is, good picture quality, small size, anti shake, aperture is relatively large, and the price is relatively suitable for the 35A and Nikon 35/1.8G. There are 24/2.8is and 28/2.8is in the same series with similar appearance. It is recommended to start focusing from 35.

50/1.8STM, it is rare for Canon to update 50. Canon is weak in this focal section. The image quality of 50/1.2 is poor, focusing is slow, and the price is high; 50/1.4 died against the light, the picture quality is acceptable, it seems to be ignored by Canon, and there is no sign of updating. The whole 50 important tasks fall on 1.8 lens, which is somewhat lower in price. Fortunately, the price is around 600 yuan, and the overall quality of the lens is also up to standard, but there is no horizontal comparison. Nikon 50/1.8G, although a little more expensive, has a lot of high-end picture quality, ultrasonic motor (really powerful focusing), a hood, and a leather lens bag. I forgot what the STM means. The lens structure has not been improved. It is still an electric lens and cannot focus manually without starting the camera. Therefore, the adapter has high requirements on the adapter ring.

There is no denying Canon, because Canon has only a few fixed focus models recently, and most of the fixed focus and zoom images are of poor quality. Now the zoom and wide-angle can be compared with Nikon and Sony It may be that Shima has put too much pressure on Canon.

85/1.8USM, the DXOMark score is less than 30, the price is about 2000, and the cost performance is very high. If the lack of scoring is defined as femininity, it can also be regarded as the inherent Canon flavor of an old lens. The change from 85/1.2 to 1.4IS makes users feel sorry, but the R series also inherits the large aperture.

There are a lot of auxiliary factories. A simple list. Tenglong 35/1.8, 45/1.8, and 85/1.8VC are a little expensive, but the picture quality is much better. The purple edge can also be adjusted and controlled. 85/1.8 is the top class. All aspects are good. The whole series are equipped with anti shake. Tenglong has the advantage of almost no defocusing compared with Shima!

Shima is more expensive! But it's really good, and it's a big aperture, 1.4!!! Half cheaper than the original big aperture! 35, 50 and 85 are the best. They can be described as the top level. The disadvantage is out of focus. You must use a focusing base. For photographers who want to pursue image quality, you don't need to try at random. You can only recommend the A series, but you can only recommend 85. The next 135 needs to see the thickness of your wrists and banknotes.

In addition, there are only a few ultra wide ones, and all of them are zoom; The macro lens Canon and the auxiliary factory are both good. According to the demand, Canon 100L has good picture quality and feels very plastic, but it is really good. Tenglong's 90 micro is good and the price is reasonable. Both the new and old models are good. If you are afraid of going out of focus, you can buy the new model. In fact, you can't go out of focus. If you want to get cheap, you can buy the old model

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First, let's have a set of big three yuan, and then add an 85F1.2. I guess you must like to take portraits, so I will add an ox head for you.

Of course, if you don't need money, 220 must come, which is the dream of many photography lovers for a lifetime!

If you like photographing wild animals too much, 640+1.4X telephoto lens is a must, and you won't regret it!

Finally, I hope you have more spare time and can walk around. After all, the subjects of photography and outdoor ones seem to be more economical, right? Play indoor photography. When you have 645 pictures, think again. It's not urgent now.

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The auxiliary factory lens may not be a good choice, for example, the Shima 35mm 1.4 is cost-effective.

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Select the focal point and rely on the spectrum. The cheapest smuggled goods cost RMB 600, and the picture quality is much better than that of 24-70. The fixed focus is generally 35, 50, 85, 135 hundred micro fish eyes. If you buy more rice, of course, you should buy all of them. If you buy 50 1.2 meters and 851.2 meters, you should buy the most expensive one. If you buy one for fun first, it is suggested that 50 1.42000 yuan is not too expensive. After you have played enough and understood the lens, you can buy it according to your intention. If you buy two, you can buy 35 1.4, 85 1.8 (1.2 meters, which is a pursuit). 35 can be used as a small wide angle, or a human image artifact. 85 can be used as a telephoto, and both can cope for a while. Of course, photography still needs to look at the eyes behind the lens. Good photos are still produced in practice.

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On this issue, I don't want to repeat a lot of nonsense telling you that XX should choose XX scenes for XX subjects.

Canon 6D2 is a full frame body, and all EF fixed focus lenses are suitable for use with it. So you can choose any fixed focus lens you want.

I just want to make a suggestion. If you are a new user, I suggest you use 24-105, 100-400 and other lenses first to get the focus segments together. After you take 30000 to 50000 pictures, you will feel special about a certain focal section, and then go to buy a fixed focus lens corresponding to the focal section.

New comers should not buy a lot of fixed focus lenses. After they buy them, they can't use them well, and they can't use them well either. Finally, they upgraded and bought more than three yuan, and a lot of fixed focus lenses were eliminated

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Thanks for the invitation. It depends on how much money you have. Canon SLR camera 6DmrK2 is an entry-level full frame camera, which is the model with the largest sales volume among Canon SLR cameras. At present, its price is around 8700, which is a relatively low price, full frame, and also has a machine head. Generally, many entry-level Xiaobai or people who only buy a camera have more choices. If you want a fixed focus lens, it means that you are mainly shooting portraits. There are many portrait fixed focus lenses, ranging from high-end to low-end. If you have money and are willing to spend money, you should first recommend the highest end 200/2.0 of portrait fixed focus lenses. This lens is known as the "air cutting machine". The portrait taken is of excellent and advanced quality, rich and beautiful colors.

Canon portrait fixed focus lenses are generally sold at 85-1.4 and 50-1.4. The former costs more than nine thousand yuan, while the latter costs more than two thousand yuan. I still recommend you buy 85-1.4 or even 85-1.2. These two 85 fixed focus lenses are very classic in Canon, and it is one of the ideal lenses to shoot portraits. Many photography lovers regard this head as the most basic lens. 85-1.4 with IS, with anti shake function, will greatly reduce the paste rate, and the stability is also better than 85-1.2. 50-1.4 is usually equipped with a c frame camera, especially for those who are new to the SLR and have limited economic conditions. Finally, we recommend you to equip a portrait fixed focus lens of 85-1.4.

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