What level does Huawei Kirin 985 belong to?

What level does Huawei Kirin 985 belong to?
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Glory 30S After the release, Zhao Ming, President of Glory, revealed in an exclusive interview that, Glory 30 As an important product after the transformation of the "two-stage rocket" strategy to boost the glory, the series will have many cutting-edge technologies. It will have great impact, technology and confidence.

 What level does Huawei Kirin 985 belong to?

Near the release, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology today exposed the network access information of two new models of Glory. Judging from the specifications, they should be two models of Glory 30 series. Page information shows that the Glory 30 series will use OLED screens, all of which support 5x optical zoom technology, and one of which will be equipped with a 50 million pixel main camera.

It has been reported that the Glory 30 series will be equipped with new Sony The customized sensor IMX7000500 megapixel, with a bottom size of 1/1.3 inch, is the largest in the industry. Now, the biggest guess in the industry has been hammered.

 What level does Huawei Kirin 985 belong to?

As we all know, the size of the image sensor directly affects the amount of light entering, and then determines mobile phone The quality of taking pictures in a dark environment also gave birth to the saying that "the bottom is bigger than the bottom".

The Glory 30 series has the largest base support that exceeds the size of all mobile phone sensors currently available in the market, or will continue the leading edge of Huawei's flagship series in the field of picture quality, dark photography, etc., to bring more extreme photography experience.

Based on the information from the previous offline stores of Glory, it is expected that the Glory 30 series will realize the functions of telephoto, ultra wide-angle, dark shooting, etc., achieve full scene coverage, and better meet the needs of users in all aspects of shooting in the 5G era.

According to foreign media, one of the models of Glory 30 series will launch Kirin 985 chip for the first time, and the high configuration version of Glory 30 series will support a high refresh rate of 90Hz.

 What level does Huawei Kirin 985 belong to?

In combination with the page information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Glory 30 series will all use OLED screens to support fingerprint identification under the screen. At the same time, it also technically supports the assumption of 90Hz high refresh rate.

 What level does Huawei Kirin 985 belong to?

If the news of the first launch of Kirin 985 is true, the Glory 30 series will have three of Huawei's strongest 5G high-end chips, Kirin 820, Kirin 985 and Kirin 990, including the Glory 30s, forming a complete layout of the terminal 5G track.

As the first flagship in 2020 under the "two-stage rocket" strategy of Glory, what technical surprises will the Glory 30 series have? You can keep your eyes open.

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 What level does Huawei Kirin 985 belong to?

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