CPU3450 Gigabyte Z77HD4 Asus GTX650 Weigang DDR31600 Hangjia multi-core WD500 SATAII320G How about playing Top 17

CPU3450 Gigabyte Z77HD4 Asus GTX650 Weigang DDR31600 Hangjia multi-core WD500 SATAII320G How about playing Top 17
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zgmu11f6e2 Trainee expert

I5 configuration: about 5200 yuan CPU 22NM I5 3570K mainboard GA-Z77-D3H memory KINGSTON 1600 (2 * 4G) hard disk 1T graphics card Dylan HD6850 power supply ATICK VP450P display AOC 2351 FE or AOC E2252V 22 "other optional
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 CPU3450 Gigabyte Z77HD4 Asus GTX650 Weigang DDR31600 Hangjia multi-core WD500 SATAII320G How about playing Top 17

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