Which of these two power supplies is better? Zhenhua Iceberg Kingdee 450 Battle Edition

Which of these two power supplies is better? Zhenhua Iceberg Kingdee 450 Battle Edition
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According to the evaluation, Zhenhua's Iceberg Kingdee 450W combat version is very good, and the price is not too high. But it is said that the materials and workmanship of the goods delivered for evaluation are different from those of the goods. I don't know if it's reliable. Another favorite is Kangshu i85-500W, which is a bubble View All

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Both power supplies are big brands. The advantages of the Kangshu i85-500W are high power and many hard disk drives. Zhenhua's Iceberg Kingdee 450W combat version has the advantage of temperature controlled fan, gold medal certification and high conversion rate, reaching 90%. I suggest you choose Zhenhua's Iceberg Kingdee 450W combat version.
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 Which of these two power supplies is better? Zhenhua Iceberg Kingdee 450 Battle Edition

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