Is the HP Mini 110 3098NR useless? Tell me about performance?

Is the HP Mini 110 3098NR useless? Tell me about performance?
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I use the HP mini110-1019, the highest configuration, but HP still has a common problem: poor heat dissipation, no air conditioning, at room temperature of 28-30 degrees, The CPU temperature is 52-75 ℃, and there are 5-10 programs running. If you start up and don't run any programs, the temperature will be kept at 50-60 ℃ (to add, the temperature I mentioned is all with a cooling base under the notebook, which is more terrible). If you turn on the air conditioner and the room temperature is about 23 ℃, run 5-8 programs, and the temperature will be kept at 48-65 ℃, My friend bought an Asus, although it was not very beautiful, he opened 4 QQ, the temperature remained at 38-42, and fainted There is also the resolution problem. Although it is possible to adjust multiple resolutions, it will prompt you to adjust the resolution, which may harm the hardware. It is recommended not to use it. Do you dare to use it? Because of the resolution problem, many software can't be used. It's not that they can't run, but that they can't see the whole page when they run. For example, when typing in Jinshan, they can see the upper lines, and they can't type the lower lines --!!, Netbooks are all like this. I can't help it. I play the game of Adventure Island. Although this configuration is enough to support the 2D game of Adventure Island, it is also because of the resolution problem that the game can't be run. So can I play QQ games without seeing the whole game screen? Unless you use a notebook, its resolution is all like this!
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 Is the HP Mini 110 3098NR useless? Tell me about performance?

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