Which is better, A++or 3A screen?

Which is better, A++or 3A screen?
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Hello everyone, I'm going to upgrade my TV recently. I heard that there are two types of TV screens: A++and 3A screens. I don't know which is better, A++and 3A screens? How to select A++and 3A screens? I hope you can introduce A++and 3A screens View All

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According to the number and distribution of bad spots, the industry generally divides LCD panels into the following levels:

Level: bad points or bright points.

A++: 0, the best screen, no bad points

A+or 3A+: 1-5 bad points

A good TV can not be separated from a good screen. The LCD TV screen accounts for 70% of the TV cost,

A++screen means there are no bad spots and bright spots, while A+or 3A+(AAA

It can be seen visually that the number of bad points on the A++panel is 0, while the number of bad points on the 3A+(AAA) level is 1-5, so the A++panel has a higher level and better quality.

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(1) A++level screen: it is required that the screen without any dark spots and bright spots is the perfect screen, that is, the best screen.

(2) A+screen: It is required to have a bad spot at the edge of the screen.

(3) Level A screen: It is required that there are no drop points when leaving the factory, that is, there are no bright spots or dark spots, generally controlled within 3, including 3.

3A is a new standard, better than A++.

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Some are A-level screens, and some are B-level screens. This makes a big difference, and the price is much lower.

The A screen is generally guaranteed for three years, and the B screen is generally guaranteed for one year. I have to ask the salesperson about some specific differences.

A screen: no spot, no more than 3 bright spots and dark spots, stable display without jitter, meeting the above marks under TFT-LCD professional test software;

B screen: the industry generally refers to those with more than 3 highlights as B screen;

C screen: A screen with bright lines is called C screen.

*The so-called bright spot: when the LCD is turned on, a pixel does not work and always lights up;

*The so-called dark spot: it can not be seen when the LCD is turned on, but can be seen in TFT-LCD professional test software;

*The so-called mottling: it will show obvious performance under TFT-LCD professional test software, and it is not obvious in general use;

*The so-called bright line: the color of the LCD is generated by the horizontal and vertical scanning lines. Each line is about 0.03mm wide. Which of their lines has short circuit or open circuit is the bright line.

There will be bright lines and bright spots in the production process of LCD, which is inevitable, but other performances comply with industry standards.

The AA screen has no bad points or bright spots There are no more than three bad points on screen A Screen B has no more than five bad points It goes without saying that the C screen is unqualified. You can use the Chkscrn software and the DispTest Application software to see whether there are bad points and bright spots

However, with the continuous improvement of production technology and scientific and technological level since 2014, some screen manufacturers have been able to produce better A++and the best RetinaAAA screens. Retina AAA screen is a retina level screen, which can not see pixels when the screen is best viewed, and the definition is the highest, which has exceeded the limit of human eye recognition; AAA screens are packaged in vacuum and dust-free workshops. The direct benefits of zero dust screens are high definition, high quality and long service life.

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Both A++and 3A are used to judge the level of TV LCD screen. Both A++and 3A are relatively good, but 3A is better than A++. So if you can buy 3A, you can buy 3A.

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Jade is flying Editorial experts

Before 2013, LCD panels could be divided into A+and A++levels due to the production process level. The basis for the classification was the number of bad spots. However, since 2014, with the continuous improvement of production process and scientific and technological level, some screen manufacturers have been able to produce better A++and the best RetinaAAA screens. Retina AAA screen is a retina level screen, which can not see pixels when the screen is best viewed, and the definition is the highest, which has exceeded the limit of human eye recognition; AAA screens are packaged in vacuum and dust-free workshops. The direct benefits of zero dust screens are high definition, high quality and long service life. iPhone iPhone Of course, some people will think why other brands do not use this kind of screen. Of course, there are many reasons for technology and cost.

You asked earlier that the weight of the screen is not important. The price of the TV screen accounts for 70% to 85% of the value of the whole TV. The motherboard can be replaced if it is broken, because the price is not expensive. If the screen is broken, basically the TV does not need to change the screen. The price of changing the screen can buy a new TV. I hope it will help you

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A++screen is good.

TV A+screen is a regulation in TV screen classification.

A++level screen: it is required that the screen without any dark spots and bright spots is the perfect screen, that is, the best screen. A+screen: It is required to have a bad spot at the edge of the screen.

Screen: It is required that there are no drop points when leaving the factory, that is, there are no bright spots or dark spots, generally controlled within 3, including 3.

How to select the type of TV screen:

In fact, it is very simple. Now there are only a few companies that make screens. There are many companies that make backlights, that is, PANEL, but the screens cannot be made by themselves. They have to be imported from abroad. There are two kinds of LCD TV screens: one is commonly called hard screen; A common name: soft screen. You can judge it by tapping the screen with your hand. There is also the resolution: there is HD, SD, and it is relatively poor. After looking at the screen separately, you just turn on the machine to see if there are any bright spots, and then see if there are light leaks in the corners, and then see the resolution. There is now the touch screen.

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Before 2013, LCD panels could be divided into A+and A++levels due to the production process level. The basis for the classification was the number of bad spots. However, since 2014, with the continuous improvement of production process and scientific and technological level, some screen manufacturers have been able to produce better A++and the best RetinaAAA screens. Retina AAA screen is a retina level screen, which can not see pixels when the screen is best viewed, and the definition is the highest, which has exceeded the limit of human eye recognition; AAA screens are packaged in vacuum and dust-free workshops. The direct benefits of zero dust screens are high definition, high quality and long service life. iPhone iPhone Of course, some people will think why other brands do not use this kind of screen. Of course, there are many reasons for technology and cost.

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Both A++and 3A refer to the screen level. 3A is the best, followed by A++, so if you can choose 3A, you must choose 3A

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