How to check the second-hand ASUS ROG STRIX-RTX 2080Ti-O11G-GAMING?

How to check the second-hand ASUS ROG STRIX-RTX 2080Ti-O11G-GAMING?
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The price of second-hand electronic products is generally halved every year (80% to 90% of the purchase price)!

As for where to buy, you can only say that you are sure that the business is credible.

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First, determine whether it is still within the warranty period according to the sn code on the video card. If there is little left in the warranty period or the warranty period has expired, the price can continue to decline. Secondly, observe the color of the graphics card, including the jack backplane fan, etc. If necessary, you can take it apart to observe the state of the chip. Finally, the pressure test is carried out on the computer.
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 How to check the second-hand ASUS ROG STRIX-RTX 2080Ti-O11G-GAMING?

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