How do broadband operators deal with returned optical cats?

How do broadband operators deal with returned optical cats?
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This is not a big problem for China, which can renovate everything

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Basically reused

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Renovating and utilizing the old.

General agreement, the user only rents the Optical Cat, without ownership

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Those that can be returned to the factory for reuse will not cause waste

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The Optical Cat and STB are generally distributed to the business hall after basic cleaning. Now operators rarely charge for the Optical Cat and STB. They either use the equipment free of charge during broadband use, or give a deposit. When they do not need to return the deposit, the deposit will be returned. Therefore, the cost of the equipment is basically operator's, In order to reduce costs, as long as the equipment is normal, it will definitely be reused.

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The basic process should be as follows: after returning, register, and then have the technician unbind the original number, restore the factory settings, and re store the lightcat that does not affect sales, waiting for sales.

If the appearance of the cat is worn and affects the sales, it will be handed over to the manufacturer for after-sales service, and then the light cat replaced by the after-sales service will flow into the market and continue to use, which can be said to be a lot of profits.

Personal guess doesn't mean authenticity. Don't take it seriously when you read it.

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It is used by the maintenance team. If the broadband equipment in use is broken, it will be replaced by the recycled optical cat. If the recycling is too much, it will be used by new users. So there is only one month in a 12 month year when it is used, which is all state-owned assets,

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The returned optical cats and high-definition set-top boxes should be able to be reused, because when installing broadband, these devices are installed free of charge by operators, and they should also be recycled. From the perspective of environmental protection, if you throw it away directly, it will cause great waste and environmental problems. Recycling and reuse can save some materials and help enterprises reduce costs. For users, as long as the network environment has not changed significantly, the equipment is new and old and has too much to do with it, if there is non human damage in the use process, The operator will also replace new equipment for free.

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