How about the price performance of Sony A7R2?

How about the price performance of Sony A7R2?
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Sony The current price of A7R2 is at a discount, which is cost-effective and very good for video shooting. USB power supply, custom key settings, easy to use.

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We have been using this to record videos,

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Yes, the * price ratio * is good, still 4k

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Very good, very powerful. It's better to go to A7R3 without losing money. It's better to go to A7R3 where you feel uncomfortable (slow shooting, slow storage, no touch focusing)

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To be honest, micro single products were not favored when they were first launched. At that time, the powerful SLR industry was the main force in the photography industry. However, with the development of the times, micro single products are increasingly welcomed by users. Sony Is the best in this industry!

What's good about micro single products? The good thing is its portability! The volume of the micro single product is generally smaller than that of the SLR camera. In addition to the small lens combination, it is very convenient to carry it out! Sony cameras have always done a good job in terms of compactness, and I believe that all the kids who have used them will have this experience!

Let me introduce A7R2, a cheap and excellent camera.

This camera was released in 2015. It is an old machine in this era of rapid technological product iteration! At present, Sony A7R3 and A7M3 have also been released! Why do you recommend this one? First of all, the image quality of this camera is very good! As a full frame machine, Sony A7R2 has 42.4 million effective pixels. High pixel and good image quality experience can also capture the user's heart! In terms of sensitivity, this camera still has good performance, and the overall performance of the camera is good!

First of all, from the perspective of focusing, Sony A7R2 has 399 phase detection focus points. It is difficult to achieve so many focus points on previous SLR cameras! In this way, the performance of A7R2 in focusing is also very good! As Sony's flagship model, the Sony A7R2 also has a 5-axis anti shake system. In this way, I will not be afraid of losing the photos due to shaking hands!

Next, look at the video capability of this Sony camera, which can shoot 4k videos! Plus the powerful focusing performance, it is a very good experience for users who need to record video!

Looking at the control ability again, thanks to the powerful control ability of Sony Microunit, Sony can achieve mobile phone And the tablet. Let us realize easy screen browsing! With Sony's technology accumulation over the years, there is no doubt about the stability and good performance of Sony cameras!

In terms of price, now the price of Sony A7R2 is only about 11000 yuan.

Of course, there are both advantages and disadvantages. Most Sony cameras don't have very good battery life. The battery life is less than 300. Friends who need to take videos need several more batteries!

In general, this micro unit has a good price performance ratio, and friends who like it can start!

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The most cost-effective machine in the world, right? Either a72 or a73

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Not worth buying! Sony The A7RII has been in use for more than two years. The biggest problems are the alternative menu, the poor endurance, and the storage foam. What is more unacceptable is reliability. I went to northern Xinjiang in September. The weather was not very cold at that time, which was 2-5 degrees above zero. However, I just took a few photos, and the camera crashed. I felt confused in the viewfinder. Later, I returned to my residence and was able to shoot again the next day. It was really urgent!

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Thank you! I'm happy to answer this question. I hope my answer can help you.
 How about the price performance of Sony A7R2?
Sony The A7R2 camera is an old product in 2015, and now the more excellent "junior" Sony A7R3 and A7M3 have also been sold! In contrast, Sony A7R2 has become outdated. However, the launch of new products has brought about the price reduction of old products, and the price performance ratio after the price reduction has become prominent.
 How about the price performance of Sony A7R2?
As a full frame machine, Sony A7R2 has 42.4 million effective pixels. High sensitivity, high pixel and high image quality have a good reputation. Although Sony A7R2 has a slot with weak endurance, it has always been a favorite of Dafa users!
 How about the price performance of Sony A7R2?
The previous high price is prohibitive. Now the price of Sony A7R2 single machine is below 10000 yuan, and the cost performance ratio is very high. Personally, I think friends who want to buy can start at this time. Of course, remember to buy more batteries for use when going out. The endurance of Sony A7R2 is really not good, but it seems that Sony's endurance has always been very satisfying. Finally, I hope you can buy your favorite camera. Now this Sony A7R2 is cost-effective and worth buying.

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