Chuangxing X5 card?

Chuangxing X5 card?
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An entry-level machine must be inextricably linked with the card.

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In a nutshell, games and kabuka look at the power of the processor! The capabilities of the processor can be found on the Anthare website, which is roughly classified as:

1. The 1000 yuan machines with Snapdragon 636 processors and below, which are roughly in the range of Snapdragon 625 processors, are low in the mainstream. Generally speaking, they should not be too demanding. Most of the mainstream games can be played. The daily needs of this class of machines are smooth enough.

2. With the Snapdragon 660 to the Snapdragon 710 processor, as long as you don't need to be too extreme, almost any game can be quite smooth. Of course, there is no problem with daily applications!

3. For machines equipped with Snapdragon 835 processor, few games can embarrass them under almost extreme requirements, let alone daily needs.

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 Chuangxing X5 card?

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