Why is Wi Fi disappearing?

Why is Wi Fi disappearing?
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 Why is Wi Fi disappearing?

Invincible Campus Card

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Because in the future, the speed of the 5G network will reach hundreds of megabytes per second, far exceeding the speed of the gigabit optical fiber of our current WIFI. At present, the general network speed of domestic families is about 200 megabytes, 300 megabytes, 500 megabytes, and the actual download speed is only 40 or 50 megabytes per second, less than one tenth of the 5G network speed. Moreover, the transmission distance of WiFi is limited, However, there are signals everywhere the 5G network goes, and connecting to an unknown wireless network is also likely to cause security risks, so the application range will be squeezed by the 5G network. If the 5G traffic is also free of restrictions in the future, then the existence of WIFI is meaningless.

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It's impossible to disappear. Like my parents, I directly handled the offline service in the business hall, and then answered the phone. If you have WIFI at home, you don't have to worry about why it will disappear if the traffic exceeds the limit! Is 4G 5G related to our parents?
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Just like those who said that telephone lines would disappear 10 years ago, on the contrary, wired networks are being set up more and more quickly. Some people have small brain capacity and limited understanding of problems. Do we really need network speed to access the Internet now? Are you still living in the era of downloading? Now is the era of network delay. The most unsolvable problem of wireless base stations is network delay. They are all based on Japanese cellular architecture. In the future, 5G will only have high bandwidth. In China, it is always an eight lane highway with a bicycle.
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Both 4G and 5G are shared bandwidth. A BTS is not used by you alone. The number of gigabytes used by multiple people will get stuck. WIFI is stable and reassuring. In the future, WIFI (broadband) will also be upgraded. It will be easier to use WIFI *, and it will not disappear with WIFI *.

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It should be clear first that the existence of wifi is not used to replace mobile networks. The main features of wifi are multi person sharing, high speed, stable signal and low cost. Neither 4G nor 5G can replace wifi

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I remember eating in a store two or three years ago. A table of people did not arrive.

Everyone is asking the boss for the wifi password and then connecting to wifi, but a friend who works on the mobile does not care at all.

I asked him, "You don't need a wifi password?"

He said proudly, "No need! We still have traffic indicators. We have to use so much traffic in a month."

I was dumbfounded, thinking that what I worked on the move was different. For ordinary consumers, only when connected to wifi can they feel secure.

WIFI technology itself is not perfect

As soon as the security vulnerability of "KRACK" was announced on the Internet a few months ago, there was an uproar on the Internet. For a while, people's sense of security for wifi disappeared, although the manufacturer claimed that it could be repaired by upgrading firmware.

In fact, I answered many questions about wifi in the Q&A. I see many users complain about "poor wifi signal", "failure to cover large households" and "slow wifi connection"

The current wifi technical specifications were formulated before 2009. Both 2.4Gwifi and 5Gwifi have their own shortcomings. The mixing of the two specifications increases the learning cost of consumers. I always think that a good technology should be: you can't feel its existence when you use it, and you can't stand it without it. The current wifi technology certainly does not reach this level.

In fact, wifi is so popular at present, and the biggest reason why people call for wifi passwords every day is that it is free and can be guaranteed monthly. After connecting to wifi, we can do whatever we want with the flow, without worrying about "how much flow we need to download games", "whether HD video will exceed the flow", and "how much flow I have left this month".

It gives users a sense of peace of mind that they can freely surf the network without worrying about traffic. This is the key to the popularity of wifi today. Although its technology is not perfect.

The time when WIFI disappears does not depend on oneself, but on the opponent

Many people think that 5G technology is the terminator of wifi, but I don't think so personally. In fact, the maximum 4G download is between 100M/s and 150m/s. This speed has been equal to that of wifi *. The 4G network coverage is much better than wifi.

If the price can be lowered, 4G technology can be the terminator of wifi.

Since the beginning of this year, operators have started to launch unlimited flow ice cream packages, but the high price is a bit shocking.

In addition, I also read some reports that some foreign users have used the preferential packages of operators. Wifi has been abandoned and 4G traffic has been used directly. But in the current domestic situation, I can only say that wifi will still exist for a long time.

WIFI technology will not disappear completely in the end, and will exist for a long time in a small scope

Wifi technology can also be used for point-to-point transmission. Both the 2.4G mouse and the 5G mouse we use now use this technology. So even if the communication 4G or 5G technology replaces wifi. Wifi technology will not disappear, but its scope of application will be greatly narrowed.

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The current package has achieved unlimited traffic in the province, and the 4G network speed of traffic is also good. Although it is limited in China, the traffic is also very large. I think in the near future, WiFi will gradually disappear, and most people will not use it.

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