What is the difference between MU-MIMO and SU-MIMO?

What is the difference between MU-MIMO and SU-MIMO?
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Conventional MIMO can be called SU-MIMO, that is, "single user multiple input multiple output". Although it can improve the network communication rate between the router and the client device through simultaneous transmission of multiple links, the router can only communicate with one client device at the same time and in the same frequency band. Therefore, even if the client device cannot fully occupy the router's wireless bandwidth, the router cannot allocate the remaining bandwidth to other devices.

MU-MIMO technology adds a multi-user simultaneous communication mechanism on the basis of conventional MIMO, so MU-MIMO can use all wireless bandwidth. In the case of multi-user access, the network delay of each device will be better improved. More importantly, MU-MIMO does not need the support of client devices. As long as the router itself supports MU-MIMO technology, it will take effect in the actual use process, and adjust the bandwidth allocation of each wireless client device through the router firmware settings.

 What is the difference between MU-MIMO and SU-MIMO?

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 What is the difference between MU-MIMO and SU-MIMO?

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