Can Lenovo G50-70 notebook carton be equipped with SSD? What type of SSD is suitable?

Can Lenovo G50-70 notebook carton be equipped with SSD? What type of SSD is suitable?
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Lenovo G50-70 can add a solid-state drive. Toshiba Q200 240G (which should be serial port 3, this is my note) with an MLC flash memory can be directly installed to the original mechanical hard disk location. The optical drive is removed and replaced with a hard disk carrier to place the original mechanical hard disk. After the hard disk is installed, the system on the old mechanical disk can be cloned into the new solid state disk by performing a system migration with the partition assistant software.

~~The above is the answer picked. Anyway, the answer is OK!

~~But SSDs can't solve your computer's stuck problem! Because SSDs are fast to read and write, they do not directly participate in computer computing, but indirectly improve computer computing speed! In addition to feeling that the computer starts quickly and opens the program quickly, the other is not much different! The card is still stuck.

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Yes, remove the optical drive and lead the hard disk in. Plug the SSD of the upper SATA3 interface into the hard disk compartment

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 Can Lenovo G50-70 notebook carton be equipped with SSD? What type of SSD is suitable?

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