What's the matter with the following three keys of Jinli s10 not working? The fingerprint function in the settings is also missing

What's the matter with the following three keys of Jinli s10 not working? The fingerprint function in the settings is also missing
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How did you deal with it? Mine is also so urgent
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mobile phone Soaked in water, the fingerprint and the menu return key failed, what happened?
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Mine, too. It's not good after restarting
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Thank you very much for your hard work.
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garbage mobile phone Don't buy Jinli, support bankruptcy
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mobile phone Just restart.
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Jinli s10 What's wrong with the failure of the following three keys? The fingerprint function in the settings is also missing
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Jinli s10 The next three keys are out of order. What's going on
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Jinli mobile phone > Jinli S10 (All Netcom) > What's wrong with the failure of the following three keys of Jinli s10


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 What's the matter with the following three keys of Jinli s10 not working? The fingerprint function in the settings is also missing

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